AMBERES | Art & Antiques Auctions


Lot number: 28
Naukeurige beschryving der eilanden, in de Archipel der Middelantsche Zee, in en ontrent dezelve, gelegen: waer onder de voornaemste Cyprus, Rhodus, Kandien, Samos, Scio, Negroponte, Lemnos, Paros, Delos, Patmos, en andere, in groten getale... Verrijkt met... kaerten en afbeeldingen, etc. Amsterdam: Wolfgangh, Waesbergen, Boom, Someren & Goethals, 1688. Folio, engraved additional title, printed title in red and black with woodcut device, folding general map (loose), 31 engraved plates and maps, 16 double-page, engraved illustrations in the text, contemporary binding with gilt stamp, (minor damp-staining at head of some leaves, spine and edges slightly worn).
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