AMBERES | Art & Antiquités


Numéro de lot: 35
ex decreto sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini restitutum [...] Regensburg, F. Pustet, 1923. Folio. Contemp. black long-grained morocco decorated with 19th-c. Roccoco style embossed and chiselled silver ornaments incl. borders with, corners with oval cartouche orn. with figures of cherubs and Evangelists, two clasps and central circular cartouche with Crucifixion on upper board, Christ's Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, two embroidered silk bookmarks. With chromolith. front. and title frame and black in-text, printed liturgical music. The silver ornaments were made by Nicolaas Wilhelmus Crone in Groningen. Prov. "1847 H.G. Jnden J. Zoon 1872". (leather sl. rubbed).
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